Insurance and Legal Committee
"The Insurance and Legal Committee is composed of experts with a broad, multifaceted and deep knowledge of the insurance and legal industry. The aim of the Committee is to support and guide INTERTANKO Members on the interpretation and application of international regulations, with a current focus on International Sanctions, Nigeria Tax Law and ESG."
Chair: Andrea Berlingieri (Premuda SpA)
Main aims
- To further the common interests of the independent tanker industry with regard to relevant insurance and liability issues
- To act as a resource group for the INTERTANKO Council and other Committees as well as the Secretariat
- To act as a link between INTERTANKO and the insurance industry and its associations and organisations
Main issues
- Oil pollution and limitation of liability
- criminalisation
- sanctions
- insurance (P&I, hull, war risk)
- anti-corruption
- cyber risk
- digitisation
- insurance markets
What is the Committee looking to achieve this year?
- Continued guidance on evolving sanctions, and actively engaging with key regulatory authorities
- Clarification on tax regimes
- Engage with IMO Legal Committee and others regarding threats to the limitation of liability for marine risk including threats to the oil pollution compensation regime
- Monitoring EU developments, including the Environmental Crimes Directive
- Monitoring new insurance products that cover emerging risks
Chair: Andrea Berlingieri (Premuda SpA)
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Committee meetings are restricted to Members and only show when logged-in to the site
Committee News
Insurance and Legal Committee meets in Lisbon
INTERTANKO’s Insurance and Legal Committee met on 18 September under the Chairship of Ingela Tengelin, Stena Bulk AB. The meeting was hosted... MORE
Insurance and Legal Committee meets in Rome
INTERTANKO’s Insurance and Legal Committee met on 27 September under the Chairmanship of Ingela Tengelin, Stena Bulk AB. The meeting... MORE
Insurance and Legal Committee meets in London
INTERTANKO’s Insurance and Legal Committee met in London this week under the new Chairman Mrs Ingela Tengelin (Stena Bulk AB).... MORE
Insurance & Legal Committee meets in Bergen
INTERTANKO’s Insurance and Legal Committee met in Bergen this week to consider ongoing developments relating to Russian sanctions as well... MORE
INTERTANKO Insurance and Legal Committee discusses sanctions
Sanctions were top of the agenda at INTERTANKO’s Insurance and Legal Committee meeting held in London on 17 May, under... MORE
Committee Resources
There are no resources for this committee.Related Topics/Issues
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Terms of Reference
Download the Insurance and Legal Committee Terms of Reference (Approved May 2024).
1.1 The aim of the Committee is to further the common interests of the independent tanker industry with regards to all relevant insurance, liability and legal issues particularly affecting tanker
1.2 The Committee shall in addition to acting as a resource group for other INTERTANKO bodies as well as the INTERTANKO office, whenever possible act as a link between INTERTANKO and the insurance industry and its organisations.
1.3 In its work the Committee is to pay due regard to relevant work being done on other INTERTANKO Committees and in other bodies outside INTERTANKO.
2.1 The Committee is composed of a maximum of 20 members at any one time, including the Committee Chair and up to three Vice Chairs.
2.2 The Chair, Vice Chairs and the other members of the Committee shall normally be elected for a period of two years and may serve for no more than three terms of two years each.
2.3 Committee members are elected by the Committee and approved by the INTERTANKO Council. Elections and re-elections are held when the two-year tenure has been completed or when a Committee member steps down. Re-election is also necessary if a Committee member changes employment between Members / Member Groups.
2.4 Membership of the Committee is based on the expertise/ qualification of the individual and position within the Member/ Member Group of companies. Committee members should have experience and expertise which will contribute to the aims and objectives of the Committee. The aim is to achieve overall diversity and a balance of representation by region, trade type and fleet. Membership on the Committee rests with the individual, not the company the individual works for. Re-election is required should the individual change companies. Any term served will count against the maximum tenure.
2.5 The Committee Chair is elected by the Committee and approved by the Council. The term of office is two years, which may be extended for two further two-year periods. These periods are in addition to any time served as a Committee member.
2.6 Up to three Vice Chairs may be elected by the Committee and approved by the Council. The Vice Chairs’ term of office is two years which may be extended for two further two-year periods. At any one time, one Vice Chair may also be elected or remain Vice Chair provided that he/ she may not hold office for a period of longer than eight consecutive years at a time. These periods are not in addition to any time served as a Committee member.
3.1 The Committee will typically meet at least twice a year.
3.2 Committee members shall endeavour to attend all Committee meetings but in any event shall attend a minimum of one meeting per year. Members shall make every effort towards active contribution to the work of the Committee and actively participate in the discussions. Should a Committee member not be able to attend, the member is encouraged to submit written comments. Repeated non-attendance may result in a review of Committee membership. Committee members who have not attended nor engaged in at least 50% of meetings during any two-year tenure will not be proposed for re-election unless extenuating circumstances apply.
3.3 The Chair may invite guests to the meetings, including to participate in working and/or correspondence groups that the Committee establishes from time to time.
3.4 As required, specific Working Groups and/or Correspondence Groups may be established to deal with and promote particular issues from the Committee’s work.
3.5 The travel expenses of the Committee’s members should be paid for by the Member company.
Committee meetings shall be conducted in accordance with INTERTANKO’s Anti-Trust Guidelines.
The Terms of Reference of Committee and any revisions thereto shall be approved by the Council.
The INTERTANKO Secretariat will provide secretarial and administrative tasks for the Committee.
The Committee will report to INTERTANKO’s Council through its Chair, as required.
Stolt Tankers
Kevin Austin
Hill Dickinson LLP Head Office London
Andrea Berlingieri
Premuda SpA
Mr. Michas George
Polembros Shipping Limited
Mrs. İdil Haliloğlu
imza MARINE Denizcilik A.S.
Neil Henderson
Gard (UK) Limited
Capt. Vishal Khosla
SKULD Services Limited London
Mr. Gaurav Rajora
Fleet Management Limited
Mr. Tommy Rekdal
OSM Thome (Bergen) AS
Ms. Jyoti Sharma
AET UK Limited
Yiannis Shittas
Columbia Shipmanagement Ltd
Mr. Robert Sullivan
AET UK Limited
Mrs. Bente Voraa
Westfal-Larsen Management AS
Erin Walton
West of England Insurance services (Luxenbourg) S.A.