Nautical Sub-Committee (NSC)
"The NSC continues to work with its parent Committee ISTEC on all issues surrounding navigation, cargo, mooring and anchoring operations, etc. The Committee has produced an extensive range of publications and established itself as a single point of contact for the Membership, and one in which our advice is also sought from outside the industry on navigational issues. The NSC should be proud of its achievements in the short time that it has been in existence.”
Capt. Pantelis Patsoulis, Chairman
Aims of the Nautical Sub-Committee
- Promote safe navigation and enhanced navigational standards, safe loading/discharging operations as well as issues with ports and terminals through communication and experience sharing
- Advise and develop industry best practice in areas of relevance for the Sub-Committee in order to promote efficient and professional operations and to keep INTERTANKO as a leader in the industry
- Take active part in developing resource materials, best management practice and Guides etc. for the wider membership
- Foster cooperation with bodies such as OCIMF, Nautical Institute, IHO, IAPH,ESPO, IHMA, IMPA, FETSA and others involved with tanker navigation, loading/ discharging and ports & terminals
- Support and exchange knowledge with academia and research institutes in areas of concern for the Sub-Committee, enabling INTERTANKO to take the lead in developing best practices
- To represent Members’ interests in all international forums
Main issues:
- ECDIS and Navigation
- Navigation Assessments
- Bridge design
- E- Navigation
- Autonomous ships Regional efforts to promote safe navigation
- IMO and IHO related issues and collaboration
- Operations in Ports and Terminals
- Joint work with ISTEC on review of anchoring related incidents.
- Pilot Ladders
- Regional efforts to promote safe navigation
- Loading and discharging of oil tankers
What is the Committee looking to achieve this year?
- Continued active participation in IMO and IHO
- Continue to provide best and proactive guidance on Covid-19 to Members
- Work with IHO in the drafting of revised ECDIS performance standard [MSC.232(82)], which will be submitted to NCSR 9
- Enhance regional efforts to promote safe navigation by engaging with authorities responsible to produce charts
- Collaborate with IMPA and ISO on pilot ladders
Chairman: Capt. Pantelis Patsoulis, Euronav Ship Management
Secretary: Phil Belcher
Phillip Belcher
Marine Director
t: +44 20 7977 7033
Rafal Kosmal
Nautical Manager
t: +47 22 12 26 42
Adele Robinson
Assistant Manager Marine
t: +44 20 7977 7013
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Please note:
Committee meetings are restricted to Members and only show when logged-in to the site
Committee News
Nautical Sub-Committee meets in Lisbon
The 18th session of the Nautical Sub-Committee (NSC) met in Libson under the Chairmanship of Pantelis Patsoulis from Anglo-Eastern Ship... MORE
Nautical Sub-Committee meets in Monaco
The 17th session of the Nautical Sub-Committee (NSC) met in Monaco under the Chairmanship of Pantelis Patsoulis of Euronav, kindly hosted... MORE
Nautical-Sub Committee minutes now available
The minutes from the INTERTANKO’s Nautical Sub Committee (NSC) meeting held in Singapore on 3 October are now available to... MORE
Nautical Sub-Committee meets in Singapore
The 16th session of the Nautical Sub-Committee (NSC) met in Singapore alongside INTERTANKO’s Safety and Technical Committee (ISTEC) on 3 October, under... MORE
Nautical Sub-Committee meets in Athens
The Nautical Sub-Committee (NSC) met on 3 May in Athens, kindly hosted by Euronav. Under the Chairmanship of Captain Pantelis... MORE
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Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference
Nautical Sub-Committee
The parent committee is ISTEC. There will be a close collaboration with other committees such as HEiSC, Vetting, Offshore Tanker Committee, Documentary and Environmental Committees. Issues would normally be raised at these committees and discussed at the Sub Committee and reported back. However, should an issue be raised in the Sub Committee, then it can be discussed, but shall always be reported to ISTEC.
- Promote safe navigation and enhance navigational standard, Safe loading/discharging operation and INTERTANKO’s viewpoint on ports and terminals through communication and experience sharing.
- Support the INTERTANKO representation in IMO and other industry fora so as to ensure proper representation.
- Advise and develop Industry best practice in the areas for the Sub-Committee in order to promote efficient and professional operation in these areas and to keep INTERTANKO as a leader in the industry.
- Take active part in developing resource materials, BMP, Guides etc. for the wider membership.
- Foster co-operation with bodies such as OCIMF, Nautical Institute, IHO, IAPH, ESPO, IHMA, IMPA, FETSA and other recognised bodies involved with tanker navigation, loading/discharging and ports & terminals.
- Support and exchange knowledge with academy and research activities in the areas concerned for the Sub-Committee. Enabling INTERTANKO to take lead in developing best practices.
The Sub-Committee to work in the below areas:
- Navigation
- The use performance and reliability of Bridge equipment such as Radars, Communication, Electronic Chart and Display Information Systems (ECDIS) etc.
- E-Navigation
- The work on the bridge. Such as team work, passage planning Communications etc.
- Under Keel Clearance
- Anchoring
- Weather Routing
- Navigational competence of Bridge Officers
- Operation in Ports and Terminals
- Mooring; equipment standards, Compatibility and operation
- Shore / ship interface
- Port policies and bye laws
- Pilotage and the use of tugs
- VTS (Vessel Traffic Services)
- Port management (harbour regulation and port bye laws, standard of terminals, training of terminal staff etc.)
- Fees
- Agents
- Loading and discharging of oil tankers (excluding Chemical tankers and Gas carriers that has their own committees)
- Tank washing
- Loading operation
- Discharging operation
- STS operation, when not overlapping with INTERTANKO Offshore Tanker Committee. Close collaboration with Offshore Tanker Committee in all issues raised here.
- Cargo handling competence of Deck Officers
- Safety
- Accidents and incidents related to the above
Membership of the Sub-Committee shall be open to Members of the Association and by invitation to others who are able to contribute usefully to the work of the Sub-Committee.
The Sub-Committee will comprise a maximum of 25 members.
Each Sub-Committee Member is expected to be actively involved in the activities of the Sub-Committee.
The Sub-Committee members’ term is two years which can be extended for another two years, unless other reasons apply and are approved by ISTEC. Examples of when other reasons apply could include when it is difficult to get new members to join a Sub-Committee or the member has specific expertise that would be valuable in the resolution of an important issue under discussion by the Sub-Committee. The Sub-Committee’s composition will be periodically reviewed by its Chairman and the Secretariat so as to continue to reflect the balance of expertise and representation required, which will contribute to the aims and objectives of the Sub-Committee and its work program items. The make-up of the Sub-Committee should generally reflect the geographical representation of the wider Membership.
Membership on the Sub-Committee is based on the appropriate expertise/qualifications of the individual; therefore, Membership on a Sub-Committee rests with the individual, not the company that the individual works for. There should normally not be more than one individual from a single company.
Background of members of the Sub Committee:
- Captains, fleet managers, superintendents and managers with hands on experience that actively have been or are working with some or all of the above issues.
- Professionals working with ports and terminals and exposed to issues as set out above.
- Academia professionals in the fields of the work group
- Associate members representing the above issues
- Experts in one of the above fields
The Chairman’s term of office is two-years which can be extended for another two years, unless other reasons apply which are approved by ISTEC.
The Sub-Committee will nominate at least one Vice Chairman from its membership for election by ISTEC. The Vice Chairman’s term of office should not exceed two years unless by invitation.
The Sub-Committee will typically meet at least twice a year. Meetings to be held intersessional to ISTEC. Meetings should, where practical, allow members to join the meeting via video link.
Members should attend Sub-Committee meetings and actively participate in the Sub-Committee discussions. Two consecutive non-attendances will result in the Chairman reminding the member of their duty to attend. Further consecutive non-attendance may result in removal from the Sub-Committee. A Sub-Committee member may, on occasion, be represented by an alternate from his company.
INTERTANKO’s Chairman and Managing Director may attend the meetings.
The Chairman may invite observers to the meetings.
Travel Expenses
The travel expenses of the Sub-Committee’s membership shall be paid for by the member company.
Terms of Reference
The Terms of Reference of the Sub-Committee and any amendments thereto shall be approved by ISTEC.
The INTERTANKO Secretariat shall undertake the secretarial and administrative tasks for the Sub-Committee.
The Sub-Committee will report to ISTEC.
Download the Nautical Sub-Committee (NSC) Terms of Reference (Doc).
Ernst Jacob GmbH & Co KG
Capt. Thanasis Archontis
Ancora Investment Trust Inc
Ms. Panagiota P. Chrysanthi
Andriaki Shipping Co Ltd
Capt. Ashley Fernandes
Interorient Shipmanagement
Capt. Kedar Joglekar
Tai Chong Cheang Steamship Co. (H.K.) Ltd
Capt. Rahul Kapur
Iino Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Capt. Manos Koumiotis
Polembros Shipping Limited
Mr. Emmanouil MARINAKIS
Tsakos Shipping and Trading S.A.
Capt. Fletcher Martins
Scorpio Ship Management SAM
Capt. Georgios Mavrogenis
Latsco Marine Management Inc
Capt. Ioannis Merkouris
Product Shipping & Trading SA
Capt. Pantelis Patsoulis
Anglo-Eastern Ship Management (Hellas)
Capt. Antonios Prasinos
Minerva Marine Inc
Capt. Lekshmi Salvady
Anglo-Eastern Tanker Management (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Capt. Rele Santosh
K Marine Ship Management Pte Ltd
Capt. Iain Scally
NYK LNG Shipmanagement (UK) Ltd
Capt Mohit Sharma
Teekay Marine (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Capt. Virender Singh
Stolt Tankers B.V.
Capt. Mukesh Kumar Singh
OSM Thome (Singapore)
Mr. Finn H Spone
DNV (Norway)
Johan Stensaker
Navtor AS
Mr. Andrey Vorobiev
ChartWorld International Ltd
Capt. Iosif Voutsinos
Almi Tankers SA