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Anchoring Guidelines: A Risk-Based Approach
9 June 2020
Scope of the guidelines
The scope of these guidelines is to cover:
- A guide for ship designers and shipyards on anchoring equipment
- Generic operational guidelines, including emergency procedures
- Maintenance and technical aspects on anchoring equipment
- Human element aspects and training of crew for anchoring
The guidelines also cover the sections on anchoring as laid out in the Oil Companies International Marine
Forum (OCIMF) Tanker Management and Self-Assessment Programme 3 (TMSA3) (OCIMF, 2017) and when so
deemed appropriate, go beyond TMSA3.
TMSA3 is not laid out to be prescriptive, and these guidelines should not be read as being prescriptive either.
While the target audience of these guidelines contains ship managers, operators and ship builders, these
guidelines may also be useful in assisting ship owners, managers, operators and training centres to promote
safe anchoring operations on board.
NOTE: This guidance iwas revised in June 2020