To work together to serve, represent and advance the international shipping industry.
A responsible and respected international shipping industry, meeting the expectations of its stakeholders.
By acting in concert to avoid duplication on issues of consensus, where the combined effort of the Round Table can exceed the sum of the individual efforts.
- Present the industry’s arguments in a clear, co-ordinated, consistent and unambiguous manner.
- Enhance political and public awareness of the essential role of shipping in world trade.
- Encourage a positive and respected response to the industry on the part of society at large.
- Communicate the performance of the industry.
- Provide guidance to the industry on relevant topical issues.
- Develop measures for credible and effective self-regulation within the industry whilst promoting the case for a proper balance between regulation and self-regulation.
- Support the principle of international rather than regional or unilateral regulation.
- Advance quality in shipping, and the universal commitment to maritime safety and environmental responsibility.
- Ensure that shipping provides a challenging and rewarding career for persons of commitment, initiative and enthusiasm.
- Promote the shipping industry as an attractive employer.
- Develop a closer working relationship with the industry’s partners in the “chain of responsibility”
Current Coordination Topics: Fair treatment of Seafarers (& criminalisation), Piracy, Places of Refuge, MARPOL Annex VI, Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ships, Reception Facilities, Ballast Water Management, Corruption