Biofouling and hull management
International developments at the IMO and the increasing focus on marine biodiversity at a regional and national level means INTERTANKO Members will need to focus greater resources on the selection and application of appropriate antifouling coatings as well as effective biofouling management.
INTERTANKO revised its Guide to Modern Anti- Fouling Systems and Bio-Fouling Management in 2020 which aims to assist Members in using appropriate coating systems for their ships and implementing effective biofouling management procedures. INTERTANKO engaged heavily on the 2023 Revision of the Guidelines for the Control and Management of Ships’ Biofouling to Minimize the Transfer of Invasive Aquatic Species. INTERTANKO will continue to seek clarification behind regional regulations as seen through the Guide to New Zealand’s Biofouling and Ballast Water Requirements (2nd Edition).
In addition to established Guidance and Regional regulations, INTERTANKO is also participating in the development of Supplementary Guidelines for In-Water Cleaning services to the Revised Biofouling guidelines.
Tim Wilkins
Managing Director
t: +44 20 7977 7012
Elfian Harun
Regional Manager SE Asia & Environment Manager
t: +65 6333 4007
William Sturdy
Environment Manager
t: +44 (0)20 7977 7020
Latest on Biofouling and hull management
Environmental Committee meets in London
This week the Environmental Committee (EnvCom) met for its 60th Session. This meeting marked the final meeting for outgoing Chair... MORE
IMO PPR 12 Report
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PPR 12: Biofouling
The 12th session of the IMO's Pollution Prevention and Response Sub-Committee (PPR 12) approved the adoption of the In-water cleaning... MORE
INTERTANKO attends Joint HELCOM/OSPAR session on ballast water management and biofouling management
This week, INTERTANKO attended the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) and the Oslo-Paris (OSPAR) Commission’s joint session on ballast water management and... MORE
New Zealand mandates Biosecurity Pre-Arrival Report from 1 May 2025
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Key Resources
2023 Revised Guidelines for the Control and Management of Ships’ Biofouling to Minimize the Transfer of Invasive Aquatic Species
The Revised Guidelines for the Control and Management of Ships’ Biofouling to Minimize the Transfer of Invasive Aquatic Species was... MORE
OUT NOW – INTERTANKO Guide to Modern Antifouling Systems and Biofouling Management (2nd Edition)
INTERTANKO’s Environment Committee has released a second edition of its guidance document covering modern antifouling systems on the market and... MORE
Guide to Modern Antifouling Systems and Biofouling Management (2nd Edition)
INTERTANKO’s Environment Committee has released a second edition of its guidance document covering modern antifouling systems on the market and... MORE
INTERTANKO Storage and Hull Fouling Clauses
Recent months have seen an increase in the use of vessels to store crude oil at sea. INTERTANKO has consequently... MORE