Vetting & Risk Management
Vetting is the overall process of assessing and managing the marine risk, utilising tools and processes to provide information on vessels and companies that are being considered for business. Vetting is the INTERTANKO Members’ “Ticket to Trade”.
Prior to any potential cargo transaction that is offered by one or more charterers, both operator and tanker vessel are evaluated (screened) against a number of factors set out by the Oil Companies Marine Assurance Criteria.
One of the fundamental factors in this process is the physical inspection, which is conducted on board by accredited OCIMF and CDI inspectors, following the SIRE guidelines and CDI SIR questionnaires.
INTERTANKO has been actively engaged in the review process of the SIRE 2.0 questionnaire, is maintaining an open communication with OCIMF and is supporting its Members towards the transition to SIRE 2.0.
To assist Members in the vetting inspection process, INTERTANKO provides a number of tools, including: publications and guidelines; benchmarking tools on SIRE performance, TMSA, LTI, Crew retention and others; vessel inspection and PSC inspection feedback databases, and issuance and guidance on vetting clauses.
Members have a broad representation on INTERTANKO’s Vetting Committee, which aims to:
- foster INTERTANKO Members’ interests in relation to inspections and screenings performed by entities such as Port States, Energy companies, P&I Clubs, hull underwriters, terminals and others.
- reduce the proliferation and the cost of ship inspections which should be transparent and justifiable.
Committee members take an active part in developing resource materials for the wider membership as well as addressing topical vetting-related issues and providing a platform for the membership to liaise with and address their concerns with Port State Authorities and various vetting and ship inspection regimes.
Frans Ubaghs
Senior Vetting Manager, Deputy Marine Director
t: +44 20 7977 7017
Adele Robinson
Assistant Manager Marine
t: +44 20 7977 7013
Sokratis Tzanetos
Vetting Manager (seconded)
t: +30 218 219 0432
Latest on Vetting & Risk Management
Secondment position available at INTERTANKO – Vetting
INTERTANKO is looking to find a candidate to take up an 18-month secondment with the Secretariat. The candidate must be... MORE
INTERTANKO’s Seafarers’ Practical Guide to SIRE 2.0 Inspections now available
Members will be aware that INTERTANKO has been actively engaged in the review process of the SIRE 2.0 questionnaire,... MORE
EU Publication of final texts – Port State Control, Flag State Control and Ship Source pollution
The final texts of the revised port State control, flag State control and Ship Source Pollution Directives have now been... MORE
Vessel & PSC Inspection Feedback Database – New browser-based questionnaires with offline capabilities
The Vessel & PSC Inspection Feedback database is a reporting system that enables INTERTANKO Members to provide feedback on inspector performance... MORE
First feedback report on Member experiences following SIRE 2.0 initial roll-out
INTERTANKO has compiled an anonymised list of inspectors’ observations supplied by Members since the 2 September roll out of SIRE... MORE
Key Resources
Covid-19: Inspections and charterers - reactions from the industry (27 April)
Most charterers are adopting a pragmatic approach and clearing vessels on a case-by-case basis. Clearance is usually done based on... MORE
Restricted possibilities for conducting SIRE and CDI inspections
INTERTANKO continues to collect information from members with regards to the restricted possibilities for conducting SIRE and CDI inspections. The... MORE
OCIMF Covid-19 Update Bulletin #6 – SIRE/OVID Inspections and Reports
OCIMF has issued the following Bulletin to its members, regarding the availability and use of SIRE/OVID Inspection Reports. The OCIMF bulletin... MORE
OCIMF Covid-19 Update Bulletin #6 – SIRE/OVID Inspections and Reports
OCIMF has issued the following Bulletin to its members, regarding the availability and use of SIRE/OVID Inspection Reports. The OCIMF bulletin... MORE
Covid-19 Q&A: OCIMF and CDI inspections and charterers
INTERTANKO is monitoring the coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak closely and will update the Q&A below as we receive more information. .accordion... MORE